Five years ago, we reported on clothes that were being designed to make the wearer invisible. Researchers have developed a material that can bend light around 3D objects, making them seem to “disappear”?like magic! It all has to do with perception.

BBC News quotes researcher Ortwin Hess as saying, “In order to have the ‘Harry Potter’ effect, you just need to find the right materials for the visible wavelengths, and it’s absolutely thrilling to see we’re on the right track.”

Speaking of Harry Potter, We’ve also written seriously about magic. Now serious scientists are studying it!
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What if you could simply plug your SUV into an outlet in your garage every night, instead of filling it up with expensive gasoline? Two Georgia drivers have figured out how to do just that. And a Canadian man is touring Alaska in a solar-powered car.

A New Hampshire man who has created a company that sells parts, so you can do your own gas to electric conversion, says his business has tripled in the past year. The conversion costs about $12,000.

A Canadian man says his life has been changed by his solar-powered car. In the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, Amanda Bohman quotes Marcelo da Luz as saying, “What I?m trying to do is save the planet in my own way.” Right now he is using it to tour Alaska.
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We always thought that Chinese food was healthy, but now we’re beginning to wonder. New findings show that MSG, a flavor enhancer commonly used in Asian dishes, may make you fat!

People who use monosodium glutamate, or MSG, as a flavor enhancer in their food are more likely than people who don?t use it to be overweight or obese even though they have the same amount of physical activity and total calorie intake. Researcher Ka He says, “Animal studies have indicated for years that MSG might be associated with weight gain. Ours is the first study to show a link between MSG use and weight in humans.

“The US Food and Drug Administration and other health organizations around the world have concluded that MSG is safe, but the question remains?is it healthy?”
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It’s evil corn at work again: A secret World Bank report says that the production of biofuels is using up land that used to produce food, leading to a 75% increase in global food prices despite the US government’s allegation that biofuel production has only increased food prices by 3%.

The World Bank report, which was completed in April, has not been publicly released so as not to embarrass the Bush administration. In the July 4th edition of the Guardian newspaper Aditya Chakrabortty quotes a World Bank official as saying, “It would put the World Bank in a political hot-spot with the White House.”
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