Act quickly: only a few tickets left! – Whitley will be the keynote speaker. Coast to Coast AM host George Noory, UFO researcher Paola Harris and Bill Birnes, of “UFO Hunters” on the History Channel, will also be speaking. LATEST EDITION to the speakers’ list: Dr. John Lerma, the man who tried to remove Whitley’s implant!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

…We already know they’re changing OURS! We’ve written about how smog in China depends on which way the wind blows. In the August 11 edition of the Independent, Clifford Coonan reports that China?s incredibly expensive plan to manipulate the weather for the Olympics seems to be working, despite the many scientists who say it’s impossible.
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Australia is switching from beef to save the climate – Switching from beef to kangaroo burgers could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Australia, since the methane produced by cow flatulence is one of the main causes of climate change.

One problem is that while Australian native foods are a hit with international tourists, locals are far less enthused about eating kangaroo, emu and crocodile meat. When it comes to kangaroo burgers, BBC News quotes researcher George Wilson as saying, “It tastes excellent, not unlike venison?only a different flavor.” At least he didn?t claim it tastes like chicken!

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An advantage nobody ELSE tells you about! – When the mainstream media talks about the winners of the Olympic swim trials, they don’t mention that some of the contestants have an extra advantage. The big controversy at this year?s Olympics is the high tech suits being worn by some swimmers. This echoes the concern about the high-performance drugs being taken by some athletes. While the drugs are illegal, the high tech swimsuits (so far) are not.
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