We’ve long known that air pollution is a major problem in China, but now that all eyes are on Beijing, due to the Olympics, the problem is becoming embarrassingly obvious.

Chinese officials have compelled reductions in industrial activity by as much as 30% and cuts in automobile use by half to safeguard the health of competing athletes immediately before and during the games, but they may not have much luck if the weather doesn’t cooperate, since pollution levels in Beijing depend on whether prevailing winds are blowing in from the heavily industrialized provinces to the south or from the less populated north.
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We’re about to discover life on Mars?now astronomers think there may be life on a moon of Jupiter!

With average temperatures of minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit, an almost nonexistent atmosphere and a complex web of cracks in a layer of ice encompassing the entire surface, the environment on Jupiter?s moon Europa is about as alien as they come. So are the enormous forces behind the surface display, namely an ocean beneath the ice nine times deeper than Earth?s deepest ocean trench and gravitational affects from a planet 318 times the mass of Earth.
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One of the best-known meteor showers of the year?the Perseids?will shoot intense streaks of light across the night sky beginning after 9 p.m. tonight. Those who can stay up for its peak performance are in for quite a show, and the best viewing will be after 2 a.m. on Tuesday.
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Investigators have made some progress in solving the mystery of the severed feet (encased in sneakers) that have been washing up on a beach near Vancouver. DNA testing has linked one of the feet to a depressed man who disappeared a year ago. Two of the five feet belonged to one man and one foot was from a woman, but neither of these people have been identified, and it is no longer believed that the feetare from air crash victims.
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