We are posting a number of early Whitley Strieber Dreamlandsin our subscriber section, thanks to a listener who hascollected them and is now offering them to us. The first,from 2001, features Whitley interviewing Jose Arguelles about the Mayan calendar, and elements of the interview arestartlingly prophetic. The second is Whitley’s FIRST interview with William Henry, which is about the hidden occult battle betweenHitler and Roosevelt during World War II. The interest neverstops for subscribers, so join us: subscribe today!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Now that the food shortage problem has reached the West, many people are considering growing their own vegetables in their back yards. But what can people in cities do? The answer: grow skyscraper gardens!

In the July 15th edition of the New York Times, Bina Venkataraman writes: “What if ‘eating local’ in Shanghai or New York meant getting your fresh produce from five blocks away? And what if skyscrapers grew off the grid, as verdant, self-sustaining towers where city slickers cultivated their own food?”

She quotes city planner Scott M. Stringer as saying, “Obviously we don?t have vast amounts of vacant land, but the sky is the limit in Manhattan.”
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AIDS is an epidemic in Africa, which has led to widespread speculation about people’s sexual practices there. But it turns out that it’s race that makes them so vulnerable to this disease!

A gene which evolved to protect people from Malaria increases their vulnerability to HIV by 40%. BBC News quotes researcher Robin Weiss as saying, “The big message here is that something that protected against malaria in the past is now leaving the host more susceptible to HIV.”

BBC quotes AIDS activist Ade Fakoya as saying, “There has always been this myth that people in sub-Saharan Africa were more likely to get HIV because of differences in their sexual behavior, or that they are more promiscuous. This shows that it’s not that simple…”
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The badly damaged carcass of a creature that appears to have a toothed beak has washed up at Montauk, across from the US Government’s Plum Island Animal Disease Center.

There has been speculation that the animal is a decomposed sea turtle, but their beaks do not have teeth, and the turtle’s shell is attached along the spine, and this creature shows no damage to the spine.

There are said to be photographs suggesting that the animalis a decomposed pit bull, and that the distortions in the jaw are the result of water action, and only appear to be a beak.
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