Wonder why gas prices are so high? ExxonMobil has reported second-quarter earnings of $11.68 billion, the largest quarterly profit ever by any American corporation.
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Here at Unknowncountry, we have always suspected that a single US government scientist was behind the 2001 anthrax attacks. Now, facing arrest and a possible death penalty, a microbiologist who helped the FBI INVESTIGATE the anthrax deaths has killed himself with an overdose of painkillers.

According to BBC News, the anthrax tainted mail was sent to legislators in Washington and media offices in New York and Florida. Those killed were two postal workers in Washington, a New York hospital worker, a Florida photo editor and an elderly woman in Connecticut. The incidents took place shortly after the 911 attacks.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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Whitley Strieber will be on Coast to Coast AM with host George Noory starting at 10 pm Pacific on Monday, August 4. Roger Leir will be on the show at the same time, and they have a SURPRISING announcement to make!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

NYE sold out across the country–Your chance to get a copy! – Whitley will be signing the paperback of his newest novel 2012, as well as his new graphic novel the Nye Incidents, which is based on REAL EVENTS. Both Whitley and co-author Craig Spector will be signing copies of Nye at Dark Delicacies bookstore, at 4213 W. Burbank Ave. Saturday, August 2nd at 2 p.m. Anne Strieber will also be there and she’d love to meet everyone!Click here to see a preview of the Nye Incidents. This will spawn aPDF file on your computer of the cover and the first 20pages of the graphic novel. If you can’t make it to Burbank, contact your local comics shop and ask them to order it from Devil’s Due Comics.
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