Eating even moderate amounts of soy can cut a man’s sperm concentration in half, because foods like tofu and soy milk contain estrogen. And two hormone-like compounds linked to the consumption of soy-based foods can cause irreversible changes in the structure of the brain, resulting in early-onset puberty.

Researcher Jorge Chavarro says that he has seen this happen even more in obese men, probably because our bodies manufacture estrogen in fat.
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Save the rainforests first! – Wealthy nations will spend about $1 billion annually could prevent the emission of roughly half a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year for the next 25 years. That money could be put to better use if it was used to prevent deforestation in the rainforests of the world, which is one of the top contributors to greenhouse gas emissions.
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NASA’s Phoenix Lander spacecraft has collected a soil sample and had studied it in a chemistry lab on board the lander. NASA says they have discovered water in the soil.

This answers a major question about Mars: is the ice that is on the planet made of carbon dioxide or water? BBC News quotes NASA?s William Boynton as saying that this is the first time that Mars water has been “touched and tasted.” This finding paves the way for future colonization of the Red Planet.
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So many people have given up soft drinks for energy drinks, that it’s now a billion dollar industry. Currently, there are at least 200 energy drinks on the market. So is it safe to get an energy drink buzz? Well, it CAN lead to bad behavior!

Researcher Dee Rollins says, “There was a time when we would get our caffeine intake from coffee and cola, but now there are a number of caffeine containing beverages and we need to be careful because over a period of 24 hours that caffeine intake is cumulative.” In fact, experts say energy drink consumers should keep careful track of the amount of caffeine they get in a day.
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