Now that the we have our first African-American presidential candidate, Race has become a major subject. Would whites be less prejudiced against blacks if they saw them from the time they were babies? It works that way for pediatricians.

A new study shows that physicians?like society at large?hold subconscious racial attitudes and stereotypes, which may contribute to racial disparities in medical treatment. The pediatricians in the study ALSO showed an implicit preference for whites. However, in this group of doctors?who worked at a large urban medical center?these doctors had LESS “implicit race bias” than physicians in other specialties.

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We now know that water is on the moon, but it was once on Mars?so there could once have been life there, even if it isn?t there today. New NASA data reveals that there was once plenty of water on Mars, in huge lakes and flowing rivers, and they think these conditions lasted for many years.

BBC News quotes Jack Mustard as saying, “This is really exciting because we’re finding dozens of sites where future missions can land to understand if Mars was ever habitable and if so, to look for signs of past life.” There may only be bacterial life there now, but WE could be there in the future. Mustard says, “What does this mean for habitability? It’s very strong. It wasn’t this hot, boiling cauldron. It was a benign, water-rich environment for a long period of time.”
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It’s not only loud noises that can make you deaf?both smoking and being overweight can do it too.

Both disrupt the blood flow to the ears. BBC News quotes researcher Erik Fransen as saying, “Once the damage is done, it’s done. It does not repair.”

If you’re NOT deaf, you?re probably often annoyed by sounds that wake you up at night. Now scientists are designing a soundproof blanket you can wear at night that deflects sound so that you can have a peaceful night’s sleep.
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