The British Ministry of Defense (the UK equivalent of the Pentagon) is being asked to launch an official inquiry into a group of recent UFO sightings, one of which was filmed by a soldier on night patrol using his cell phone. The MOD confirms that it has been given the video.

In keeping with its newopenness on this subject and recent releases of previously-classified UFO material, the MOD today faced demands that they launch an official inquiry into the series of recent UFO sightings, many of them in Wales.
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Can’t quite figure out who that person is? Anne Strieber has written about how she has problems recognizing people ever since her stroke. A researcher who was trying to figure out how to get children from the “missing” posters on milk cartons and in grocery stores has figured out a way to remember faces better.
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A conservative media outlet admits that, undoubtedly pressured by the Bush administration’s unwavering support of big business, NASA downplayed studies on global warming that were done between 2004 and 2006?and some of them were THEIR OWN studies!

Now none other than Fox News, which used to unabashedly support all Bush policies, quotes the head of NASA?s own watchdog committee as saying that the White House press office used “inappropriate political interference” to silence NASA scientists, because it was close to the 2004 election. The government canceled a NASA press conference about its ozone and global warming monitoring satellite technology and edited or downgraded NASA press releases on the same subject?will something similar happen in the upcoming election? read more

Linda Howe will be on Coast to Coast AM tonight (Thursday, June 26) talking about the recent UFO wave in the UK, which she also reports on in detail on this week’s Dreamland. You can meet Linda IN PERSON at our Dreamland Festival this weekend, and it’s NOT too late to get tickets!

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