It will be a kind of Woodstock of The Edge! – One of our readers writes: “I am going to be there and am getting more excited about it every day. To be surrounded by people like me will truly be a life experience. The networking and the exchanging of opinions and ideas of what all this strangeness really means will be incredible. See you there!” We started out calling our June 27-29 event a “Conference,” but we decided to call it a “Festival” instead, because we don’t think hearing the latest news about the “edge” should be dreary or scary?it should be the best kind of fun you can possibly have!

Click here to find out more and purchase a ticket. Subscribers have a coupon to gives them an EXTRA $25 off! It’s not too late: hop on a plane and join us!
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Recent Wargames suggest they will – Is Israel going to do our dirty work for us? BBC News and the New York Times report that Israel just carried out what seems to have been a “rehearsal” for an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

The US has admitted that more than 100 Israeli fighter jets took part in maneuvers over the eastern Mediterranean and over Greece during the first week of June. BBC News quotes a Pentagon official as saying, “They wanted us to know, they wanted the Europeans to know, and they wanted the Iranians to know. There’s a lot of signaling going on at different levels.” This implies that the US DIDN”T know about it ahead of time, but of course we did.
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…and nearly collides with it! – On June 8 in Wales, a police helicopter chased what was described as a “saucer-shaped” UFO “with flashing lights” and nearly collided with it, until the helicopter lost sight of the craft and had to give up the chase because it ran low on fuel. A spokesman for South Wales Police said: “We canconfirm the Air Support Unit sighted an unusual aircraft.This was reported to the relevant authorities for theirinvestigation.”
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Update: Foot # Six is a hoax, but the explanation still stands for the rest. – MORE severed feet have been found washed up on a beach in British Columbia. These are the the fifth and sixth human feet to wash up on a Vancouver beach in the past year. The 5th foot, however, is a LEFT foot, while the other four (including the 6th foot) have all been right feet.

BBC News reports that all the feet were wearing running shoes and they had all been in the water for some time. There is no evidence that the feet were deliberately cut off. Local police think the feet may have come from a plane crash in the area in over 3 years ago. Four men who were on that plane are still missing. The running shoes they were wearing may have been what kept their feet afloat.
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