UPDATE: But watch out for gym germs too! – You’re exercising in order to be healthy, but it can be downright dangerous to run, walk or bicycle near city streets. The exhaust and smoke can damage your health, especially since you breathe deeply while working out.

Heart specialist Ronald Crystal says that air pollution is definitely a problem for those who work out in the city. The main culprits are ozone, fine particulate matter, and carbon monoxide, which irritate the lungs and respiratory system.
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The midwestern United States continues to suffer violent weather due to a powerful flow of warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico that is colliding with cooler air from the north over the region. Since last winter, the region has suffered wave after wave of violent weather, with more tornadoes recorded so far in 2008 than at any similar period in the past hundred years. At present, large areas of the region are suffering from flooding, and more bad weather is predicted for Indiana, Kansas and Oklahoma this week.
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It was once dangerous to buy spinach, now even McDonalds is removing tomatoes from of its hamburgers. What’s going on? It turns out that the KIND of tomatoes you buy are what’s important.

The FDA reports that people in 16 states are becoming ill from a fruit-borne form of salmonella, which has been linked to raw red tomatoes. The illness lurks in the STEM end of the tomato, then spreads to the rest of the flesh. You can avoid getting the disease by buying only “cluster” tomatoes, which are still attached to the vine on which they were grown, or cooking them for a short period of time (such as running them under the broiler). Cherry tomatoes are safe to eat raw.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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Oil prices have risen drastically, leading to a potential collapse in our economy. But an oil industry spokesman says the oil shortage is a myth. If so, it’s working well for two very divergent groups: the oil companies, who are making record profits, and environmentalists, who want to hasten development of alternate fuels.

In the June 9th edition of the Independent, Steve Connor reports that UK oil industry CEO Richard Pike is saying that there is more than twice as much oil in the ground as major producers say?in fact, there are 1,200 billion barrels of oil available worldwide in proven reserves. Pike claims that big oil companies?which are making record profits?are happy to go along with this misconception, since it means they can keep their prices high.
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