Where is the helpful husband? Not on TV! If women find their husbands reluctant to fold the laundry or wash the dishes, they may want to hide the television remote. And have you noticed that advertisers are targeting pre-adolescent girls, trying to sell them make-up and scanty clothing?
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Why is this happening? – Whitley Strieber has written about the economy before, but never with as much brilliance and insight as he does in his new journal.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

As of 2AM Friday: Storms, no deaths. – Forecasters using computers warn that current weather conditions in the Midwest are the same as those that caused 39 tornadoes to touch in the Great Plains over 30 years ago on June 8, 1974, killing 22 people.

MSNBC quotes meteorologist Brad Mickelson as saying, “The highest risk is central Kansas and the entire centralportion of the country. There is a high risk of severe thunderstorms.”

Art credit: gimp-savvy

As a wise man once warned us, we can’t plan for the future(or even predict it) without learning from the past!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Wind turbines may soon seem hopelessly old-fashioned, since researchers have now found a way to generate electricity from the waves in the ocean. Now if the world’s major cities, many of which are situated on ocean coastlines, can stay dry enough to survive, they will be able to have plenty of water AND power far into the future!

The WaveRoller, which is being developed in Finland, is a device made of fiberglass and steel plates which is planted on the bottom of the ocean. The back-and-forth motion of the waves drives a piston that creates hydraulic pressure, which eventually produces electricity. In C/Net News, Michael Kanellos quotes inventor Tuomo Hyysalo as saying, “It is like building a bridge.”

Art credit: gimp-savvy.com
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