There may not be much for dinner soon, even in wealthy countries. fish are dying off due to “dead zones” caused by global warming.

As global warming makes the oceans warmer, oxygen-deprived regions are getting bigger. They are caused when microscopic algae accumulate rapidly in dense concentrations, usually due to run off from fertilizer? These areas are known as “red tides” or “dead zones” because fish can’t survive there.

Researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego say these phenomena remain unpredictable in not only where they appear, but how long they persist. While not all of them are harmful, some blooms carry toxins that have been known to threaten marine ecosystems and kill not only fish, but marine mammals and birds.
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You can now see a conversation on YouTube between Whitley and John Lerma, the doctor who tried (and failed) to remove Whitley?s implant. To watch it, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Biofuels based on ethanol, vegetable oil and other renewable sources are popular with government and environmentalists as a way to reduce fossil fuel dependence and limit greenhouse gas emissions. The problem? They may have exactly the OPPOSITE impacts than the ones intended. Maybe we should all switch to electric cars!
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A researcher has discovered that flowers “wave” at insects to get their attention. But there may not be many bees for them to wave at soon, since the mysterious bee disease has now spread to Canada.

In BBC News, Matt Walker quotes John Warren as saying, “I was lying on the beach watching flowers wave in the wind at my daughter’s birthday party, and I wondered why they have stalks and risked getting damaged in such an exposed habitat.” So he decided to try to figure it out by observing how much different varieties moved and if flowers that moved more attracted more insects.
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