Five years ago, we reported that a virus may be responsible for schizophrenia. Now there’s evidence that someday, we may be able to cure autism and schizophrenia with a vaccine. That’s the good news. The bad news: housework is good for your mental health!

In Scientific American, Melinda Wenner writes: “The strongest evidence pertains to schizophrenia, but autism, bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder have also been linked to bacterial, viral or parasitic infections in utero, in childhood or in maturity.”

Why do some people develop schizophrenia? Children of women who undergo an extremely stressful event?such as the death of a close relative?during the first trimester of pregnancy appear more likely to develop it.
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The level of methane?one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases?rose last year, after being stable for a decade, and researchers now think these emissions are coming from wetlands around the melting Arctic region. A Canadian expedition to the Arctic has found “vast cracks,” stretching for over 10 miles, in the ice cap there.

In BBC News, David Shukman quotes Canadian expedition member Derek Mueller as saying, “I was astonished to see these new cracks. It means the ice shelf is disintegrating, the pieces are pinned together like a jigsaw but could float away.”

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When you hear about global warming, don’t forget where you heard about it first!

To learn more, click here and here.

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…at our FIRST Dreamland Festival June 27-29! – We talked about holding a Dreamland festival and YOU responded! The result: we’re filling up fast and the number of tickets is limited, because we want to keep the group small enough for the kind of intimate gathering we are all anticipating, so if you haven’t purchased a ticket yet, make your plans as soon as you can, and get set to enjoy an experience that will be very special and very different from the usual big, anonymous UFO conference. We’re going to have a wonderful weekend in Nashville?make sure you’re there too! Subscribers have a coupon to gives them an EXTRA $25 off! Click here to find out more and purchase a ticket.

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In these political times, many candidates, as well as the incumbent administration, will be tempted to play the terrorism card, claiming that terrorist attacks are up and only their side knows how to combat this. But a database that keeps track of terrorist attacks says that the NUMBER of international terrorist attacks is actually going DOWN.
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