A conversation between Whitley and William Henry about whether or not the CERN particle accelerator will lead to time travel is now posted on YouTube. To watch it, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

UPDATE: Jupiter has NEW red spot & frost melting on Pluto – Earth is not the only planet in this solar system that is experiencing increased heating and weather upheavals. Increased turbulence and storms were first seen on Jupiter over two years ago, and are continuing. Periods of heating have also been noted on Mars from time to time in the past few years, and NASA astronomer Imke de Pater call the Jovian observations a “major upheaval” that involves stunning changes in the planet’s atmosphere. The planet’s temperatures may be increasing by 15 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, frost has been spotted varporizing on Pluto. Frost was seen on the planet in the 1930s, when Pluto was first discovered. Keep reading for update.
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Includes Upside Down Plants – Overnight on May 13-14, one of the strangest groups of crop formations ever seen appeared on a farm near Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands. Three large circles were created by something that flattened and scorched the crops, leaving odd changes in the remaining stalks and in the soils. The owners of the field heard and saw nothing, even though the circles were formed just steps from their house. Their dogs did not bark and their horses remained undisturbed. The damage to the crop in the circles was total, and the affected plants are dead and will not grow back. Ridges in the soil suggest that it had been worked with some sort of tool. The ridges form an imperfect spiral.read more

A new study used an electron microscope to show that two of the best known crystal skulls, which are on display at the British Museum in London and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, are modern fakes, because they were created with tools that were not available to the ancient Mayans or Aztecs. But that doesn’t mean that ALL of the skulls are fakes.
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