Be sure to tell your local comics store to order a copy of Whitley’s new graphic novel The Nye Incidents, which is based on REAL events. Click here to see a preview of the Nye Incidents. This will spawn aPDF file on your computer of the cover and the first 20pages of the graphic novel. To get a copy, contact your local comics shop and ask them to order it from Devil’s Due Comics. It will be published in June. Whitley Strieber and co-author Craig Spector can be seen talking about it on the internet TV show “Dave navarro’s Spread.” To watch the show, click here.

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In the days prior to the gigantic earthquake that devastatedSichuan province in China, oddswarmsof frogs were seen inthe streets of cities in the area, and have subsequentlybeen identified as unusual animal behavior of the type thatis thought by some geologists to precede earthquakes. Now ithas developed that similar frog appearances have been takingplace inBakersfield,California for about two weeks, andnobody is sure why. Strange swarms of frogs also appearedbefore the 6.9LomaPrieta Earthquake in October of 1989.
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?but that ones that DO occur will be more powerful – A surprising study shows that in the future, when the world is warmer, there will be fewer hurricanes like the terrible cyclone that devastated Myanmar?NOT more. This is because earth is heating up with such unexpected speed that the heat is reaching the stratosphere far faster than expected.

This means that there will be less of a temperature difference between the lower and upper atmosphere, and it is this difference that creates storms. Unfortunately, it is also what drives the jet streams, which will become sluggish and then stop if the heating continues. Without jet streams to clear the air, many large cities will quickly become unlivable.
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…making us more likely to get cancer? – Researchers have discovered that the seeds of some genetically modified crops can stay alive in soil for at least 10 years, meaning they could take over a field that has been planted in another crop. This shows why we need to open seed banks. And the pesticides sprayed on these fields, which GM crops are engineered to withstand, may be dangerous. Conventional pesticides are suspected of causing DNA changes that lead to cancer, so maybe the special pesticie used on GM crops does too.
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