What if a severe quake struck in the U.S? – The death toll from the recent 7.9 earthquake in China my eventually reach half a million, many of them children. Seismologists say that an earthquake is overdue in the Los Angeles area?could it be that bad here?

The recent China quake was relatively shallow, which cause the effects to be felt over a wide area. Also, despite the fact that China DOES have building codes in order to withstand earthquakes, many of the buildings that collapsed were not built up to code.
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Run your car on cooking oil, add a plug to your Prius – In the quest to be “green” and save money on gas, people are trying all sorts of desperate measures. One man drives a Prius, but that’s not enough for him?he found a way to convert it into a plug-in hybrid! And next time your gas tank is on empty, maybe you should fill it up with cooking oil?even USED cooking oil.

Researcher Stephanie Farrell says, “We are using different oils in order to observe differences in processing behavior and in the final fuel products obtained from them.” Does olive oil get better mileage than canola? Her engineering students are studying canola, peanut, soybean, olive and corn oils in addition to waste vegetable oil obtained from local restaurants.
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?and pesticides may cause Parkinsons Disease – Our bodies are already filled with pesticides. We know that melting glaciers could release dangerous microbes, and now it’s been discovered that they may also release pesticides! In New Scientist, Ewen Callaway writes, “Decades after most countries stopped spraying DDT, frozen stores of the insecticide are now trickling out of melting Antarctic glaciers. The change means Ad

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In her new diary, Anne Strieber explains why “when you are in the movie business?and have even acted in a movie, as Whitley and I have?it kind of spoils your movie going experience. You no longer enjoy films with the childlike wonder you used to bring to the theater with you. Instead, you see holes in the plot, deficiencies in the acting and even the set decoration, you notice the product placement?and all this gets in the way of having a good time.”

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