We’re building a fence to keep illegal immigrants out of the United States, but thousands of US citizens cross the border into Tijuana every day. Thousands more vacation in Baja, California. So why isn’t our government warning us that the civil authority is collapsing and that Mexico is now the kidnap leader of Latin America, ahead even of Colombia?

A San Diego TV station, 10News, has obtained a secret Drug Enforcement Agency report that details terrifying kidnappings, murders and rapes of innocent and unsuspecting American tourists, and the message could not be more clear: if you value your life and your family, stay out of Mexico.
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Update: Deadly storms get worse. – More damage and deaths occurred last night assevereweather rolled eastward, spreading death anddestruction into the southeastern US. The central UScontinues to be the scene of unusuallyviolent weather, as waspredicted byUnknowncountry.com inJanuary stories about the unusual midwinter tornadoes thatwere taking place at that time. In addtion to killing 11people in Oklahoma and causing millions of dollars inproperty damage, the recent series of storms have affectedthe planting season, meaning that many crops will be in evenmore short supply this fall.read more

Here’s the REAL Reason – Oil prices are hitting new highs every day despite the fact that demand for gasoline is plummeting in Europe and North America. The reason for this is that Asian demand remains explosively high due to the fact that Asian nations continue to subsidize prices at the pump, meaning that consumers pay less than market value for gas and demand remains high. And guess where your rebate checks are going?

While in recent months subsidies have been reduced, they are still high enough to protect demand. By March 2008, India, for example, had paid $12.7 billion over a year to keep fuel costs to the consumer low, and the huge subsidies continue. In contrast, fuel has been rationed in China, but subsidies have returned for the Olympic year. read more

Update: Cyclone to Cause World Rice Shortage – Until Cyclone Nargis struck, Burma was the world’s 7thlargest rice producer. Now analysts are concerned thatproduction may plummet, causing rice shortageseven in first world countries. On May 8, Burma’s dictatorordered that all aid to the country be embargoed, eventhough the UN continues to try to deliver it. This meansthat the chances of recovery are now minimal. It may be thatCyclone Nargis and dictator General Than Shwe have joinedhands to destroy thecountry and cause an unprecedented international shortage ofa key commodity. The question is this: did the Burma juntabuy rice futures when they saw the storm coming? Is this whythey didn’t warn their people and why they are refusing toallow aid in?read more