We Have a Twin!
Another prediction from the Master of the Key comes true: Astronomers have discovered planets orbiting a distant star in a formation which looks a lot like our own solar system. Have we received any visitors?
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Another prediction from the Master of the Key comes true: Astronomers have discovered planets orbiting a distant star in a formation which looks a lot like our own solar system. Have we received any visitors?
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?found with GPS! – Using divers and submarines, researchers have discovered lost cities underwater, in places like Cuba. Now, using the same navigation device that helps you find your way through traffic, they have been found in Africa!
Until now, thick jungle growth has prevented satellites from discovering these villages, and due to the many military conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the villages may have wanted to hide from local map-makers. But using GPS they have discovered almost 200 settled villages, where old maps show only 30.
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The US Department of Homeland Security’s color-coded system for warning the public of the risk of a terrorist attack may be causing the general public a lot of stress, but it does NOT put too much stress on law enforcement officers?no matter what it’s doing to the rest of us. Basically, these days we could all use a good laugh, and yoga teachers know how to give us one.
It turns out it REALLY IS the best medicine. (To see people practicing “Laughter Yoga,” click here. Researchers have found that simply anticipating a laughter experience boosts health-protecting hormones. Researcher Lee Berk says, “Our findings lead us to believe that by seeking out positive experiences that make us laugh we can do a lot with our physiology to stay well.”
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…And May Affect Adults as Well! – US researchers studying hospital records in Sweden have discovered that parents of children with autism were roughly twice as likely to have been hospitalized for a mental disorder, such as schizophrenia, than parents of other children. Doctors know that autism is genetic, although it is TRIGGERED by exposure to heavy metals. This new finding may mean that ADULTS are affected by heavy metal pollution too. The message? We have to clean up our air.
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