Raising the World Peace Pillar – For our FIRST Dreamland conference in Nashville on June 27-29, we told you what Jim Marrs is going to talk about, then we told you what Linda Howe is going to report on. Now William Henry tells us what he plans to reveal there. If enough people get together and think about peace, could we change the world? William says, “As 2012 approaches, and our Sun and solar system attunes and atones with the center of the galaxy, we are entering a chaotic time that calls for us to keep ourselves aligned with our highest selves. It also calls for nothing less than the raising of the mystic World Pillar. This is the bond or union between Heaven and Earth the ancient Egyptians called the ‘Djed’ or ‘Osiris,’ that brings stability to our world.read more

The latest round of UFO denial blames small orange candle lanterns and/or road flares attached to helium balloons for UFO sightings, but the real UFO wave continues worldwide.

There are two recent sightings that cannot be attributed to flares, candle lanterns, swamp gas or the moonlight reflecting off the wings of passing geese. The first one, in Australia, occurred as some miners were starting the night shift at a mine on an island off the remote Northern Territory.
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?or not changing ENOUGH – The jet stream, which is what “creates” America’s storms, is slowly moving north and is getting weaker. This means less rain?and more drought?in the South and Southwest and more storms in the North. In other words, more of the same bad weather.

In Discovery News, reporter Seth Borenstein quotes weather researcher Ken Caldeira as saying, “Basically, look south of where you are and that’s probably a good guess of what your weather may be like in a few decades.”

Art credit: gimp-savvy.com
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Coming your way soon? – The perfect diet would be one in which you keep eating the same amount, but still lose weight! It sounds impossible, but Australian scientists say they have discovered how to do just that.

By manipulating fat cells in mice, and removing a particular enzyme, they were able to speed up their metabolism, so they would burn more calories while eating the same diet. Hopefully, scientists will soon be able to do the same for US! In BBC News, Nick Bryant reports that the drug they used to do this is one of the same drugs that is ALREADY being used to treat high blood pressure in humans.
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