When it comes to global warming and pollution, coal is the biggest problem, and environmentalists know it. Every time a new coal-fired power plant is planned in the US, a lawyer from an environmental group is assigned to try to stop it. But what if we could remove CO2 emissions from smokestacks, so they don’t escape into the atmosphere and cause global warming, and recycle them into plastic?

Carbon dioxide removed from smokestack emissions in order to slow global warming in the future could become a valuable raw material for the production of DVDs, beverage bottles and other products made from polycarbonate plastics. Researcher Thomas E. M

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Differences in genes between people of European versus African ancestry can affect how each group responds to certain drugs or fights off specific infections. In other words, your race partly determines how effective your immune system is. We know that stress kills because it promotes heart disease. Scientists are now saying it may kill another way: by leading to more?and earlier?cases of breast cancer, especially in black women!
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We’ve been saying goodbye to the monarch butterfly for a long time now, and due to the clearing of land in the small, 217 square-mile area in central Mexico where they migrate to every winter, we may see the demise of this beautiful species very soon. Will we be saying goodbye to some birds as well?
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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “I was thinking the other day about what a really FUNNY book the Bible is. I’ve always thought that people take it MUCH too seriously! Because they stick to the flowery King James version, instead of more modern translations, they miss the wonderfully ironic sense of humor that Jesus and the New Testament writers had (The quotations below are from The Unvarnished New Testament by Andy Gaus, which is my favorite modern translation). This led me to decide to write about what I consider to be the 4 funniest stories in the Bible.”

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