And will it end this summer? – The $8 billion CERN particle accelerator which is being developed 300 feet underground in a 17-mile-long circular tunnel on the border between France and Switzerland. When it?s turned on this summer, it will send particles crashing into each other close to the speed of light, creating energy more powerful than the sun. There is speculation that when that happens, it will create a black hole that will destroy earth.
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When it comes to your automobile, we’ve said it before: Don’t burn gas, use grass, but use the RIGHT KIND of grass (and DON’T rely on corn as a biofuel, because this is mainly a ploy by our government to get rid of acres of subsidized corn).

A weed called switchgrass makes the best biofuel. BBC News reports that “switchgrass-derived ethanol produced 540% more energy than was required to manufacture the fuel.” What is this extraordinary plant and where do we find it? It turns out it?s growing wild on the prairies of the United States.
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Maybe we don’t need to import oil or create biofuels?maybe we just need to figure out how to use the oil we have. One researcher has figured out how to squeeze more petroleum out of abandoned or soon-to-be-abandoned oil fields.

Using his 40 years in the petroleum industry, Lewis Brown has already extended the life of one field by 17 years. His research involves the forced growth of oil-chasing microbes used to redirect injected water that, in turn, sweeps once-inaccessible oil from old wells into production. These are microbes that were originally developed to clean up oil spills.
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In his latest journal, Whitley writes: “I have collaborated on a graphic novel about human mutilations called the Nye Incidents that is going to be out shortly. Click here to see a preview of the Nye Incidents. This will spawn aPDF file on your computer of the cover and the first 20pages of the graphic novel. (If you want a copy, the best thing to do is to call your localcomics store and ask them to order it. It’s by Craig Spector and it’s from Devil’s Due Comics.) Now, why have I done this?” It turns out the comic is based on a real story!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more