Hear the earth humming – Solar power??That’s nothing, compared to volcano power! Can we use them to fuel our homes? A volcano is erupting in Hawaii, attracting tourists and threatening over 8,000 people.

Geothermal energy is clean, quiet and virtually inexhaustible, and could provide 250,000 times more energy than the world uses every year, with no impact on the climate or the environment. But how can you harness a volcano?

In LiveScience.com, Molika Ashford reports that the US government is spending $30 million in order to figure out how to do just that. If they succeed, they would find a source for 100,000 new megawatts of power, which is more electricity than is produced by all of the nuclear power plants in the United States.
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Even Better: Reading Your MIND – New kinds of lie detectors are being developed all the time?the latest one is your hair. And no, we don’t mean whether or not you dye or perm, we mean your hair can tell an investigator where you’ve BEEN. It all has to do with the water you’ve been drinking. These days, almost everyone seems to be carrying a bottle of water around with them, but it turns out we don’t need to drink as much water as they’ve been TELLING us we do. Recent findings indicate that most people do not need to worry about drinking their recommended 8 glasses of water per day. While it is clear that humans cannot survive for longer than several days without water, very little research has assessed how average individuals’ health is affected by drinking extra fluids.read more

When the weather gets hot in the summer?and with global warming, summers are going to be hotter than ever?we’re all familiar with electrical “brown outs,” where our air conditioners and appliances don’t work as well as they used to?and sometimes even stop working, due to overload of the electrical grid. What we may not realize is that the growing number of plug-in hybrid electric cars, such as the Chevrolet “Volt” and the upcoming hybrid electric/gasoline Prius, may cause this too, depending on what time of day or night these vehicles are charged!
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UPDATE: Its prediction was correct! – Engineers have created a computer software program that consistently predicts NCAA basketball rankings more accurately than the AP poll of sportswriters and the ESPN/USA Today poll of coaches. So which team did it predict would win? UPDATE: It predicted Kansas!
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