The war on terror is bad for everyone’s health. Stress is affecting our soldiers AND our citizens, who are developing heart problems related to constant terror alerts. Will this still be going on in 2008? Experts say that the chances of the average person in America dying at the hands of terrorists is comparable to the risk of death from eating peanuts, being struck by an asteroid or drowning in a toilet: it’s WORRYING about it that’s killing us! And squirrels can give us a clue to why this is.
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Recently pictures of “frozen waves” from the Antarctic have been floating around the internet, pretending to show that it’s so cold down under that ocean waves are literally freezing as they break. The reality is that it’s summer in the southern hemisphere, and it has been so hot that Adelaide, Australia has experienced a once in 3,000 year heat wave, and now a huge ice shelf has unexpectedly collapsed in Antarctica. The Wilkins Ice Shelf was expected by scientists to last at least another 15 years, so the collapse of this section came as a surprise. It has caused scientists to revise their expectations for the survival of the rest of the shelf, which will soon join the Larsen and others, which have already more

Scientists say it’s inevitable: artificial life is on the way. A leading US researcher says we’ll be able to create human-level artificial intelligence by 2029. Does this mean that machines will take over?

In BBC News, Helen Briggs quotes inventor Ray Kurzweil as saying, “[?There’s] not going to be an alien invasion of intelligent machines to displace us?We’re already a human machine civilization; we use our technology to expand our physical and mental horizons and this will be a further extension of that.”

Kurzweil thinks that machines and people will eventually merge, through implanting devices in people’s bodies. We’re already doing this with people who are locked in by disease or injury. To abductees with implants, this sounds familiar!
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For the last two years, around Easter, Anne Strieber has written a diary and this year is no exception. She writes, “Every year I seem to write an Easter Diary, and I don’t see why this year should be any exception. I actually went to church this year, and although I didn’t really want to go (and had all sorts of fantasies about what would happen there), I’m glad I did.”

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