As a heatwave so extreme that it was being called a once in3,000 year event was ending Adelaide, Australia, a giganticand deadly winter storm slammed half the United States,causing historic flooding in Missouri and Arkansas andleaving at least 13 dead.

The Adelaide heat wave caused 15 straight days of over 35 C.heat, and, according to Atmospheric scientist Warwick Grace,this is only likely to happen in this area of mild climate once inthirty centuries.

As predicted on, fearsome winter stormscontinued to strike the United States as warm air surged upfrom the overheated Gulf of Mexico, sucked northward by apowerful cold front.
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In a study by the Organic Consumers Association, a cancer-causing compound called 1,4-dioxane has been found in some of the most commonly used petroleum-based cosmetics?including many “NATURAL” products.

1,4-Dioxane is a foaming agent that is used in the manufacture of cosmetics and personal care products such as deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and mouthwash, which is why it may contaminate these items. 1,4-Dioxane is classified as an ether and is a known eye and respiratory tract irritant that easily penetrates the skin. It should not be confused with the similarly-spelled chemical “dioxin,” which is a major environmental pollutant.
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The growth in China’s carbon dioxide emissions is far outpacing previous estimates, making the goal of stabilizing atmospheric greenhouse gases much more difficult. Beijing is so polluted that top runner Haile Gebrselassie has dropped out of the upcoming Olympics there, for fear that running in such an atmosphere would damage his health. Olympic athletes certainly won’t be THINKING clearly, since pollution changes the way the brain works.
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Recently, a dolphin rescued 2 beached whales. But who will save dolphins from being caught in fishing nets? Ironically, the same sonar that probably beached those whales may help save the dolphins. Two beached whales?a mother and her calf?were recently stranded on a New Zealand beach. Rescuers desperately tried to push them back into the ocean before they expired, but even when they were able to get the huge mammals into the water again, they kept floating back into the sand. But then a dolphin came to the rescue, probably after hearing the whales’ cries for help.
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