TODAY last day to sign up! – Has Egypt been calling you? Join William Henry on another extraordinary Stargate tour of this mysterious land. On February 16th our subscribers got to hear all about William Henry’s LAST exciting adventures there. William says, “Join us for an incredible journey April 14-27,2008, including an in-depth exploration of the most sacred places on our planet. This special tour is limited to 20 participants. It’s the only modern and complete introduction to the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt.”Friday, March 14 is the last day to sign up. To see the complete itinerary click here. For more information or to register, call tour facilitator Mary LoMando, at (954) 972-5891 or email her at
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There’s a binary solar system, consisting of two suns, out there, rotating and twisting through space. If it comes near us, it may shoot out a beam of gamma rays that could eliminate all life on this planet in an instant.

The solar system was first spotted 8 years ago by Australian astronomers. One of the suns is a highly unstable star that is about to explode into a supernova.
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The internet has been abuzz with rumors that the government is building ominous detention centers. Now the San Francisco Chronicle reveals that this has been going on for almost 10 years as part of a Homeland Security plan called “ENDGAME.” And as might be expected, they’re being build by a subsidiary of Halliburton. But WHO are they for?
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The British government plans to make its UFO documents public. Hundreds of documented sightings of UFOs across the UK, dating back over 10 years, will be released by the Ministry of Defense (the UK version of the Pentagon) in the coming weeks. BBC News quotes an MOD official as saying, “The files contain information about UFO sightings by members of the public and include photographs that people have taken or drawings they have done. There is no scientific data included in the files just the public reports which may also include a comment from nearby RAF bases saying whether there was flight activity when the sightings took place.”
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