According to a leading medical journal, climate change will have a huge impact on human health and bold decisions are needed now to protect the world’s population.

Writing in the British Medical Journal, Professor McMichael says that the risks to health are many, and include the impact of heat waves, floods and wildfires, changes in infectious disease patterns, the effect of worsening food yields and loss of livelihoods. He says, “Climate change is beginning to damage our natural life-support system.”
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A UFO that was extensively videotaped over Turkey may have now been videotaped over London.

In January of 2008, a night watchman in Kumburgaz, Turkey, videotaped a UFO with a distinctive stepped edge. The sighting and the video were investigated and confirmed by Turkish UFO expert Haktan Akdogan, who has kept the world informed about the incredible UFO activity in that country.

Then, on February 27, University Of Exeter academic Karolina-Slavka Mueller took a picture of the London Ferris Wheel at 3:50 AM, and, to her surprise, discovered a large UFO in the picture when she looked at it. She had not noticed it while taking the picture.
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Most of us are getting a bit tired of the Presidential primaries leading up to the November election, but one thing we can’t figure out is: Who are these “superdelegates” that everyone keeps talking about? Another thing voters want to know: in the wake of the latest political sexual scandal, why do power and sexual shenanigans always seem to go together?
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When Anne Strieber wrote about the Lucky Lady, she also mentioned her interview with UK psychologist Richard Wisemen, who tried to figure out why some people are luckier than others. In one of his experiments, he took videos of people who said they were lucky?and others who said they were UNlucky?all doing the same things. One of these “tests” was to see if they noticed money lying in the street (carefully planted in the path they would take by Wiseman). Just as you’d expect, the unlucky people walked right by the money without seeing it, but the lucky ones spotted it every time. The message he took from this was that lucky people are the ones who take advantage of their opportunities. Keep reading for Anne’s update!
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