Autism is mysterious, because we know that its cause is partly environmental and partly genetic, but it’s hard to pinpoint each part of the puzzle. Researchers have used the age when a child speaks his first word as a tool for identifying a new gene linked to autism. And the question of whether vaccines cause the condition just won’t go away.

Researchers have discovered that a gene that is most active in the brain regions involved with language and thought is also involved in this syndrome. Researcher Daniel Geschwind says, “This gene?may predispose children to autism.”
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update – The sensational story that a meeting had taken place at the United Nations among the G8 countries concerning a possible change to a policy of disclosure in 2009 now may have been, according to the president of the French national UFO research organization, “a fiction.”
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In a grisly variation on the cat and cattle mutilations that Dreamland science reporter Linda Howe has been telling us about, severed human feet still wearing running shoes have been floating to shore in British Columbia. Stranger still: they are always right feet and the shoes they are wearing are always size 12.

Three of these disembodied feet have landed on the coast of Gabriola Island in Canada’s B.C. province within the last 6 months. The first foot was found by a 12-year-old girl from Washington State. Despite DNA testing, the remains have not been identified or correlated with any missing persons reports.
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