Why has a “doomsday” seed vault been created? Could it be because of the uncontrollable spread of genetically engineered seed? A vault filled with samples of seeds from the world’s major crops is now open in Norway, carved into a remote, snow-covered mountain. It can hold 4.5 million groups of seeds.

In Yahoo News.com, Pierre-Henry Deshayes quotes Cary Fowler, of the Global Crop Diversity Trust, as saying, “The facility is built to hold twice as many varieties of agricultural crops as we think exist. It will not be filled up in my lifetime, nor in my grandchildren’s lifetime.”
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In his dynamic new journal Whitley writes about rumors of government disclosure on UFOs that will be “focused entirely on the aerial phenomena and not at all on the human factor, because the moment you admit the fact that the visitors have penetrated right into our bedrooms and our bodies, and deposited hardware there, you are admitting that government is helpless to control the situation, and that it cannot impose itself between the individual and the visitors. Which, indeed, it cannot.” Don’t miss this provocative statement!

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

There is new evidence in the search for the Loch Ness Monster. A fossil of a giant “sea monster” has been discovered on an Arctic island. This doesn’t explain how it might have gotten to Scotland, but it does show that such creatures did once exist.

In BBC News, Paul Rincon quotes Paleontologist Angela Milner as saying, “One hundred and fifty million years ago, Svalbard [the island on which the fossils were discovered] was not so near the North Pole, there was no ice cap and the climate was much warmer than it is today.”
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We recently interviewed Dr. John Lerma, the physician who tried to remove Whitley’s implant, on Dreamland?and subscribers got to chat with him as well! Now you can listen to him on Coast to Coast AM on Sunday night, March 2nd. Update: Whitley will be on Coast tonight during the first hour.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more