UPDATE – An asteroid passed by close to the earth in a near miss. One day, we may be directly in the path of an upcoming space rock. This one missed us, but we are STILL in the path of a falling spy satellite!

BBC News reports that a 600-foot-wide asteroid passed by the earth without hitting us. It swept by just outside the moon’s orbit.
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In Anne Strieber’s new diary, she writes: “Two years ago I wrote about the problem I have recognizing faces since my stroke. This problem is so subtle that I’m not always sure I actually have it, but it has given me some interesting realizations about what is considered ‘attractive’ in today’s society. I have another strange legacy as well: I find that the interior of almost every building seems to resemble a maze. But I suspect this may be due more to the inadequacy of modern architects than to problems in my brain.”

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

In Earthfiles, Dreamland science reporter Linda Howe writes about a mysterious signal from deep in space that has been picked up by SETI. Have we detected intelligent life on another planet at last?

Linda quotes SETI Institute?s Seth Shostak as saying, “The sudden burst of radio energy lasted only 0.005 seconds, and had spectral characteristics that suggested that it was from a distant galaxy, probably billions of light-years from us.”

She quotes SETI’s Dan Werthimer as saying, “We probably won’t be able to decode it. We’ll know something’s out there, but we won’t know much about their civilization” and quotes Shostak as saying, “I’m cautiously optimistic we’ll find something by the year 2025.”

Art credit: gimp-savvy.com
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A certified movement analyst is going to be watching President Bush’s State of the Union speech in a special way. Karen Kohn Bradley says, “It is important for reporters and analysts to utilize the tools of nonverbal communication and body language in assessing the messages the American population receives from the White House, candidates and other leaders. What is conveyed through movement is, after all, behavioral patterns that impact policies, and ultimately, the lives of the people.”
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