Exciting new developments will be coming to us in the computer world in the future and some of these were predicted by the Master of the Key!

John Letzing reports in Market Watch that Microsoft has taken the first step in designing an intelligent machine?one that is capable of interacting with human brain waves. He quotes researcher Desney Tan as saying, “It’s our fundamental belief that computers are still relatively dumb, no matter how smart they act. We’re trying to make computers smarter, and provide them with a mechanism to understand the user more deeply.” Will we soon throw away our old computers?
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Over 7 years ago, Dreamland host Jim Marrs said, “It’s all about oil.” Now a major UK newspaper reports that the US has blocked the release of a major assessment of oil and gas activity in the Arctic that may be contributing to the extinction of an endangered species.

In the January 22 edition of the Independent, Daniel Howden writes that the US is preparing to “sell off exploration licenses [to drill for oil in the frozen Chukchi Sea off Alaska, one of the last intact habitats of the polar bear.”

According to Howden, the assessment that was blocked by the US was supposed to “give policy makers a clear set of recommendations on how to extract safely what are thought to be up to one quarter of the world’s energy reserves.”
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If you’re like many Americans, you made a New Year’s resolution to increase efficiency in your life using some of the newest gadgets. But this can be dangerous?maybe not to your physical health, but to your personal relationships.

Can we become addicted to technology? Psychologist John O’Neill says, “We have become so accustomed to the luxuries of technology that we may be forgetting how to play, have personal connections and use coping skills in face-to-face interactions. We can become overloaded by technology and suffer consequences in our relationships.”
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If any season is the time for miracles, it’s Christmas, and they seem to happen every year to Anne Strieber, usually while eating Christmas dinner. Last year it was the loaves and fishes. This year she gave a special gift to a priest.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more