How much are twins reallyalike? Even non-identical twins, who have only half their DNA in common, are surprisingly the same. In the UK, two such twins who didn’t know they were related found that they were so compatible that they got married. It’s good thing that forgiveness is good for our health!

The twins were separated at birth and never knew each other as children, but found developed an “inevitable attraction” when they met for the first time as adults. Their marriage was annulled as soon as their twinship was discovered.

BBC News quotes adoption expert Mo O’Reilly as saying, “This sad case illustrates why, over the last 20-30 years, the shift to openness in adoption was so important.”
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On Dreamland, prophet John Hogue says the election motto for 2008 will be, “It’s the ECOLOGY, stupid.” Want to begin to be more environmentally friendly in 2008 but can’t afford a hybrid car? There are plenty of other ways to lessen your impact on the environment and go green.
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There are even more amazing discoveries coming in the future, but whether they are good or bad remains to be seen. The US government is encouraging auto makers to develop driverless cars?and planes without pilots as well.

Tom Krisher reports that cars that drive?and even PARK?themselves could be available from US car manufacturers within the next 10 years. He quotes General Motors engineer Larry Burns as saying, “This is not science fiction,” and researcher Sebastian Thrun as saying, “It will really change society, very much like the transition from a horse to a car.”
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UPDATE ON TEXAS UFO! – UFO sighting reports are coming in at this time from aroundthe world in exceptional numbers and at a very high level ofstrangeness. Apparently similar “drifting light” UFOs havebeen observed in Finland and Iraq, and there was a multiple witness sighting of a more standard type of UFO in Texas a few days ago. Linda Moulton Howe is now working on odd spirals appearing in the sky in Canada, Iraq and Germany, and on the Texas case, and will be reporting on Dreamland as the stories unfold. Keep reading for Texas update.
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