Our wonderful crop circle calendar is now $3 off! Those of you who listen to Dreamland know that it was an extraordinary crop circle season, and Lucy Pringle is now signing people up for her annual crop circle tours, which will take place on Wednesday, July 30 and Tuesday, August 5, for 15 to 20 people each. Keep reading for details.
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Antarctica hasn’t always been ice free in times of global warming but alas, it’s certainly melting now. Parts of the ice sheets covering Antarctica are melting even faster than predicted. NASA scientist James Hansen says that we have to hold our greenhouse gas emissions to 350 parts per million carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The problem is, we’re ALREADY at 383 parts per million.
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UPDATE – Now it’s a hoax? Or is the claim that it’s a hoaxthe real hoax? You’ll need to decide for yourself! For helpdoing that, clickhere. Irish explorer Devin Dempsey went on an expedition tothe South Pole on January 6 and claims he saw a US-run alien base there. (We were iffy about this story because of theIce Cube reference…)

In his website blog, he writes: “I can now tell you that the so called Ice-Cube project is in fact the first of a new generation of ARC, as we believe it is known as internally. Think ARC, think Noah. But not in the same way. Noah used his arc to save all life forms from extinction. This new ARC is in a way a reversal of that process. ARC stands for ALIEN RECEPTOR CENTER.
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The recent standoff in the Strait of Hormuz between US ships and Iranian vessels wasn’t the first naval confrontation between these two countries. In 2002, a $250 million war game was carried out by the US military, in which small, fast Iranian speedboats were able to sink 16 major US warships, including an aircraft carrier.
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