What if you could take a single flu shot that would protect you for the rest of your life, just like your other vaccines do? Believe it or not, this may be coming up soon! The reason that flu shots change every year is because the flu virus keeps changing. BBC News reports that another benefit would be that the vaccine could be stockpiled in case of a bird flu epidemic.

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The mercury-containing preservative thimerosal has been eliminated from most childhood vaccines, but autism cases have continued to increase, providing evidence that vaccines are not the cause. Fevers?especially high fevers?can damage the brain, but the behavior of children with autism may IMPROVE during a fever, giving researchers a clue to what’s going on with this mysterious condition, which is becoming an epidemic in the US.

A new study shows that autism cases have continued to increase in California after the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal was eliminated from most childhood vaccines. This suggests that exposure to thimerosal is not a primary cause of autism.
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Does movie violence lead to real violence? This question continues to be debated. And Hollywood has rolled out its usual quota of violent films this season.

In the January 7th edition of the New York Times, Peter S. Goodman writes about a new study that seems to prove that “violent films PREVENT violent crime by attracting would-be assailants and keeping them cloistered in darkened, alcohol-free environments.” In other words, the theory goes, potential criminals go to the movies instead of committing crimes.
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An asteroid may have dealt the final blow to the dinosaurs, but that was because they were in a weakened state, since they were already being nibbled to death by insects!

In the January 7th edition of the Independent, John von Radowitz writes that “Disease spread by ancient mosquitoes, mites and ticks was probably the major factor that finished off the extinct reptiles.” Not only that, “Bees and other pollinators helped to promote the rapid spread of flowering plants, leading to the loss of vegetarian dinosaurs’ traditional food sources [vegetables]. As the plant-eating dinosaurs declined, so would their predators.”
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