The Lakota Indian tribe, whose ancestors include Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from their treaties with the US, some of which are 150 years old, and declared themselves to be a separate country, with their own passports and drivers licenses. And Vermont may do the same thing!

Fox News quotes Lakota leader Russell Means as saying, “We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us.” This area includes parts of the states of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming.
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As many of you know, Anne and Whitley recently experienced the death of a friend from colon cancer. It turns out that a married couple who sailed from England to America around 1630 may be the ancestors of hundreds of people alive today who are at risk for a hereditary form of colon cancer that may contribute to a significant percentage of colon cancer cases in the United States.
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UFOs have been spotted in two places in England. One of these areas has had regular UFO sightings in the last 8 years. Closer to home, a UFO has been seen in California.

In the North State News, Kimberly Ross reports that firefighter Quincy Hatch and his team were driving to a potential fire in Shasta County, California on Christmas Eve when they saw “a bright light and an object streaking across the sky.” Ross quotes Hatch as saying, “At first, we thought it might be an airplane that went down.” Local sheriff?s deputy Jesse Gunsauls admitted to seeing the light as well.
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Meet William Henry at the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and travel with him in England on the trail to the Grail! You can meet our newest Dreamland host, psychic Medium Marla Frees, a lot closer to home. Keep reading to learn how you can meet both of these exciting Dreamland hosts IN PERSON! You can also get a PERSONAL tarot reading over the phone from William. Call (615) 292-5397 to speak with him directly or email him at Subscribers got to hear William read the tarot for Whitley.
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