Update: The conversation recorded in the YouTube video referenced in the story below is in a Brazilian Portuguese dialect, probably from the southeastern state of Minas Gerais. The taping is being done by an adult. The children shout about a UFO, and then there is a question about whether or not the object is a hot air balloon. The adult (a mother of some of the children) gets upset and loses the object. When she gets it back in frame in better focus, the arms of the object become visible and it is obviously not a hot air balloon. The woman says it looks like “a God damn huge spider.” Thanks to reader/listener Andreas Muller for this information. Keep reading for details.
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On Saturday, Jan. 5, Whitley and Anne will be in the subscriber chat room on Saturday from 10 to 11 am Pacific time. Whitley will discuss the drone sighting he talked about with Art Bell on Coast Thursday night, as well as the parallel universes he describes in his new novel 2012 The War for Souls. Anne will talk about…spies. Don’t miss out on the fun: subscribe today!

Art credit: Dana Augustine.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Despite the comments of some of the political candidates now running for office, Evolution is real and it’s still going on–in fact, we’re evolving faster than ever. Scientists USED to think that human evolution was all over. What’s causing this acceleration?

In BBC News, Anna-Marie Lever reports that in the past 5,000 years (a blink of the eye in geologic time), human beings have changed genetically 100 times more than in any other period of history. What?s happening?
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Serial killers may be responsible for up to 10 times as many U.S. deaths as previously estimated, because these monsters prey on people whose absence will not be noticed.
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