If you left someone off your Christmas list by mistake, we have the solution! Our gorgeous new 2008 crop circle calendars have arrived, and Subscribers have a special coupon code that gives them $2 off. These calendars are not only gorgeous, they can help you participate in the ongoing series of crop circle meditations that Whitley is doing with subscribers. Communion is back in print too, with a new forward by Whitley. All copies are autographed WHILE THEY LAST. Also, the most popular books we’ve ever published, The Key and The Path, are back on our store as well. Subscribers have a coupon with HUGE SAVINGS if they buy both books together!
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We recentlywrote that “After a period of exceptionally high activityin the 20th century, our sun has suddenly gone exceptionallyquiet?Astronomers are waiting for the sunspots to return andmark the start of the next, the so-called cycle 24. Theyhave been waiting for a while now with no sign it’s on itsway any time soon.” Well, solar cycle 24 has started! Howwill it affectglobal warming?

Solar physicist David Hathaway says, “New solar cyclesalways begin with a high-latitude, reversed polarity sunspot.”
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As carbon dioxide levels rise, oxygen Levels fall. Since webreathe oxygen, how will this affect us? Will the earth endup as a lush jungle of CO2-breathing plants, with no humanor animal life on it?

On the Sci Tech website, Mike Johnston reports that a 20year study by the Scripps Institute shows that ?as carbondioxide (produced primarily by burning fossil fuels)accumulates in the atmosphere, available oxygen isdecreasing?We are losing three oxygen molecules in ouratmosphere for each carbon dioxide molecule that is producedwhen we burn fossil fuels. Studies of ice cores and recentdata from direct atmospheric sampling have shown that therehas been a 30% increase in carbon dioxide since thebeginning of the industrial age.?

Art credit: gimp-savvy.com
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We’ve reported before on the controversy about thepossibledangers of the Haarp installation in Alaska. Now there isnew evidence that Haarp may be some kind of super weapon.

HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral ResearchProgram, and is a mysterious group of transmitters, radars,and magnetometers. In Wired.com, David Hambling quotes anAir Force spokesman as saying, "HAARP’s main job is toproduce radio waves to probe the ionosphere." But what FOR?
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