Anne & Whitley will be there too! – Whitley will still be doing the majority of interviews on Dreamland, but we have a NEW guest host who starts this weekend, and you can meet her in person on January 18-20, at the Lake Marcos Resort and Country Club in San Diego, when Dreamland guest Maureen Caudill, the author of Suddenly Psychic, is presenting a conference that includes a spoon bending session with our newest Dreamland host, psychic medium Marla Frees. To register, call 1-877-367-4248. To reserve a room for the weekend, call the hotel directly at 1-760-744-0120 (request the room block “Maureen Caudill workshop” when reserving your room). You must register by December 30 in order to receive this special, discounted rate, but hurry–this special discount is going fast!read more

Meet William Henry at the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and travel with him in England on the trail to the Grail! Keep reading for details. William says, “Meet me at the Great Pyramid on April 14-27, 2008, where 20 people will have the experience of a lifetime on my Stargate Egypt tour. You can also join me in the UK, where we meditate INSIDE the neolithic circle at Stonehenge and visit Rosslyn Chapel and Glastonbury Tor. This special ‘author?s tour’ will include visits with some of the leading UK authors and guests that I’ve interviewed on Dreamland.
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Some scientists think that our ability to study the universe with space craft and telescopes might actually be destroying it. It’s all part of quantum physics. It’s also surfer wisdom.

In the November 21st edition of the Telegraph, Roger Highfield explains that our ability to measure the universe may actually shorten its life, because our observations could trigger another “big bang,” which would be the end of our world and the start of another one.

In the November 13th issue of the Telegraph, Highfield writes about “an impoverished surfer [who] has drawn up a new theory of the universe, seen by some as the Holy Grail of physics, which has received rave reviews from scientists.”
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NASA satellites are capturing incredible images of some of our strangest clouds, which are increasing in frequency and extent.

In BBC News, Jonathan Amos quotes NASA scientist James Russell as saying, “These clouds are getting brighter with time, they’re seen more often and also they’re being seen at lower latitudes. These are things we don’t understand and they all suggest a possible connection to global change; and we need to understand that connection and what it means for the whole atmosphere.”

Amos quotes eteorologist Gary Thomas as saying, “There are rings in the clouds that appear quite frequently. They’re extremely variable. In just a few minutes, these holes are gone and others can appear. And some of these rings are huge?300-400 miles across.” read more