Smoking and drinking seem to go together naturally, and it turns out that there’s a scientific reason why it’s hard to quit one while still indulging in the other. Despite this fact, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are notorious for their smoke-filled rooms.

Researcher Thomas J. Gould says, “Whenever someone uses these two drugs together, there must be a reason why. The goal of our research is to understand the interactive effects of these two drugs and, by understanding how they are altering behavior and producing neural changes, we will hopefully be in a better position to develop treatments for drug addiction.”
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Ten Thousand years from now, there will be two separate species of human beings: an intelligent ruling class and an underclass of what the Daily Mail calls “dim-witted, ugly, goblin-like creatures.”

Niall Firth reports that researcher Oliver Curry says that the ruling class will be between six and seven feet tall and live to be 120 years old. He quotes Curry as saying, “Physical features will be driven by indicators of health, youth and fertility that men and women have evolved to look for in potential mates.” He predicts that the males of this species will have “symmetrical facial features, deeper voices and bigger penises” and the women will have “glossy hair, smooth hairless skin, large eyes and pert breasts.”
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What makes people violent?especially males? Scents that trigger aggression between have been identified in mice?does the same thing happen with humans?

BBC News reports that researchers have found that mice excrete two chemicals in their urine which make them want to fight.

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Here at, we provide you with ALL KINDS of information?including the science behind movies, magic and sword swallowing! It turns out that a specific part of our brain holds the key to how ventriloquists create the illusion that their dummies can talk.

In, Ker Than quotes neurobiologist Jennifer Groh as saying, “The prevailing wisdom among brain scientists has been that each of the five senses?sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste?is governed by its own corresponding region of the brain. Now we are beginning to appreciate that it’s not that simple.”
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