Although scientists were skeptical at first, in recent years it has become accepted that the demise of dinosaurs was caused by a meteor impact in the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago. Now new research shows that the dinosaurs may have actually been killed off by a series of volcanic eruptions in India. The evidence of this are the gigantic Deccan Traps lava beds there.

Researcher Gerta Keller says, “It’s the first time we can directly link the main phase of the Deccan Traps to the mass extinction.” Why do they think this? Proof comes in the form of microscopic marine fossils that are known to have evolved immediately after the mysterious mass extinction event, which have been found in the lava beds.

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Rosemary not only tastes good in food, but scientists have now found it is also good for your brain. The herb contains an active ingredient called carnosic acid (CA), which can protect the brain from strokes.

CA becomes activated by the damage itself, remaining innocuous unless needed, which is exactly what is wanted in a drug.

A dash or two of other herbs and spices may offer health benefits as well. Studies are exploring the therapeutic benefits of many herbs and spices. For example, turmeric as an anti-inflammatory to help regulate the immune system, ginger to prevent or relieve postoperative nausea and garlic to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
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We recently reported on a lot of strange traits in cockroaches. In its ability to learn, the cockroach is a moron in the morning and a genius in the evening (some of us are that way too, especially if we don’t get enough sleep). This is why scientists are studying these bugs.
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In an Ohio gas station, a strange blue cloud was caught on security cameras as it floated around customers and even rested on a car window for half an hour before it suddenly sped away. Local 6 News reports that, despite the groups of people who are now making a sort of pilgrimage to the station, it has not returned. To see the ghost for yourself, click here.

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