Babies know a lot more than we used to think they did. And ladies: if you want to have lots of them, mate with a man who has a deep voice.

In, Robin Lloyd reports that scientists have recently learned that babies can pick out their native language from a foreign one when they are only a few days old.

Speaking of voices, LiveScience reports that men with deep voices have more children, probably because studies have shown that women are more attracted to men with deep-pitched voices.

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First we heard that the oceans are no longer sucking up CO2 the way they used to?now it turns out that the FORESTS aren’t either! Plus forest fires, like the recent ones in California, pump tons of carbon dioxide INTO the atmosphere.

In the Nov. 1 edition of the Independent, Steve Connor reports that “the sprawling forests of the northern hemisphere which extend from China and Siberia to Canada and Alaska are in danger of becoming a gigantic source of carbon dioxide rather than being a major ‘sink’ that helps to offset man-made emissions of the greenhouse gas.” Why is this? The risk of fire. Large-scale fires in a western or southeastern state can pump as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in a few weeks as the state’s entire motor vehicle traffic does in a more

A report leaked to the Italian press concerning a series of unexplained fires that took place in Sicily in 2004 has attributed them to "unnatural forces capable of creating large amounts of electromagnetic energy." The report also mentions a possible UFO landing close to the village that left burned imprints in a field. Does this mean the Italian government has concluded that the fires were caused by alien technology?

The report states that the fires in and around the town of Canneto di Caronia in northern Sicily were "caused by high power electromagnetic emissions which were not man made and reached a power of between 10 and 15 gigawatts."
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The value of Helium 3 deposits on the moon remains the unstated reason that an Asian space race is on, as India, China and Japan all direct their space programs toward the moon. Answering Japan’s recent insertion of an orbiter around the moon, China recently launched its first lunar probe, and India is believed to be planning to go to the moon soon.
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