We previously reported that MI6 agents (the equivalent of the US CIA) were operating in Paris on the night of August 31, 1997, the time of the car crash that killed Princess Diana and her lover Dodi Fayed. Photographer James Andanson was one of the most aggressive of the paparazzi following Princess Diana. His body was found in May of 2000 in the burned out remains of a BMW in a forest in the south of France. Andanson’s death was ruled a suicide by French police, but Dodi’s father, Mohammed Al Fayed, maintains that he, as well as Diana and his son Dodi, were murdered by British undercover government agents, who were ordered to do so by Prince Philip, to cover up the fact that Diana was pregnant with Dodi’s child.
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Under pressure from investigative journalist Leslie Kean, who has been a frequent guest on Dreamland, NASA has finally agreed to search its archives for documents pertaining to a UFO incident that occurred in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in 1965, due to a settlement in a federal lawsuit filed by Kean. NASA went to federal court in an attempt to have the case dismissed, despite the fact that the files should be available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Kean and the Coalition for Freedom of Information, working with an expert Washington-based lawyer, have been trying for 4 years to get these documents released. To visit Kean’s website, click here.

Photo credit: Farah Yurdozu
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Is the UFO information hidden deep within government archives finally coming to light? First, author Shirley MacLaine reveals that presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich saw a UFO. Next, report Leslie Kean forces NASA to release its Kecksburg UFO documents. Now, presidential candidate Bill Richardson says, that if elected President, he will force the government to reveal the documents about the 1947 UFO crash that took place in Roswell, New Mexico.
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If this as yet unidentified primate photographed in Pennsylvania on September 17 is indeed Bigfoot, these would be among the best photographs of the elusive animal ever taken. This will be Linda Howe’s report on Dreamland this week, along with an interview by Jeff Meldrum, who was on last week’s Dreamland show! To see the photos, click here.

Art credit: Dana Augustine

If you missed last week?s Dreamland show, which was on a serious book about Sasquatch, you can download it to an MP3 disc and listen to it in your car or while sipping a cup of tea in the kitchen (away from your computer)?but ONLY if you subscribe today!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more