Do parallel universes exist? New research proves that they DEFINITELY do. There are many versions of “you” out there somewhere.

In the Sept. 22-28 edition of New Scientist magazine, Zeeya Merali writes, “If you think of yourself as unique, think again?our world is just one of many. You are just one version of many.”
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UPDATE CANADA! – Some people are still searching. Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has funded an array of 350 antennas which SETI will use to continue its search for alien life. BBC News reports that they should be up and running by 2025. Meanwhile, there have been UFO sightings worldwide.

Let’s hope they scan the skies near the Giza Pyramid in Egypt, since UFOs are continually being spotted there. To see them yourself, click here. Also, super bright meteors were reported during the last week of September over both Alaska and Finland, while balls of light of less certain origin appeared over an English town.
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Two years ago, we reported the unthinkable: our favorite non-stick cooking surface may be dangerous. Now it has been discovered that babies whose mothers cook in non-stick pans, exposing their fetuses to the chemicals on them, have a significantly lower body weight at birth.

Researcher Joseph McLaughlin says, “This is a chemical that we don’t know very much about with regard to its long-term effects in humans.”

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Researchers have made great strides when it comes to figuring out how to stick things together. They’ve also figured out how things get tangled up when we don’t WANT them to.

Cellophane tape was invented in 1929 by engineer Richard G. Drew, who had already invented masking tape 4 years earlier. It took him 5 years to figure it out, but he finally succeeded. reports that the tape got its name when an auto painter complained that it wasn’t sticky enough and said, “Take this back to your stingy Scotch bosses and tell them to put more adhesive on it.” Now the amount of Scotch Tape sold every year could circle the earth 165 times.
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