We’ve written before about how cow farts may be one of the major causes of global warming. Now researchers may have developed a true bovine battery.

No, we won’t be propelling our cars of the future on gases derived from the rear ends of cows. Cows have 4 compartments in their stomachs. that the fluid in the largest compartment, the one that breaks down cellulose, may be used to break down the cellulose in corn and turn it into ethanol.
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Beginning in late September, you?ll have a chance to meet Anne and Whitley Strieber and to get your copy of 2012: The War for Souls signed by Whitley. But before, that, you?ll have a chance to meet Daniel Pinchbeck, who has been on our show many times. This weekend, we have Dreamland with him and Anne has a special interview, just for subscribers, in which he tells all about his adventures at Burning Man! Keep reading for Daniel’s tour details.

On Thursday, Sept. 13, he will be at the Boulder bookstore in Boulder, CO at 7:30 PM. The address is 1107 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302, 303-447-2074.
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When it comes to the tiniest particles, big things are going on! Physicists have coaxed two separate atoms to communicate with a sort of quantum intuition that Albert Einstein called “spooky,” in a process known as quantum entanglement. Understanding how this works could give us the ability to time travel in the future, as well as do super-fast quantum computing. And two German physicists have found a way to change the speed of light, something Einstein said was impossible.
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We are ingesting dangerous chemicals in ordinary foods and no, they DON’T all come from China! Studies have shown that some workers making chemically-flavored “buttered” microwave popcorn made with a chemical called diacetyl have come down with lung disease. Now it turns out it may also be dangerous to EAT it, because we inhale the fumes when we open the bag. And kids who can’t concentrate in school may be affected by chemicals in their foods.
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