Lake Superior in Michigan is the coldest and deepest of the Great Lakes, which together have almost 20% of the world’s fresh water. It?s the biggest freshwater lake on earth?as big as South Carolina. But due to evaporation caused by global warming, it’s at its lowest level in 80 years. Lake Superior is heating up.

In AOL News, John Flesher quotes chemist Noel Urban as saying, “We’re always reacting to what’s already happened instead of looking forward. As long as we have a poor understanding of the basic functions of the lake, we won’t be able to say whether this warming is of major concern or not.”

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Andrew Collins, who is this week’s guest on Dreamland, will be one of the speakers at the ARE’s annual Ancient Mysteries Conference, which will be held in Virginia Beach, VA. on October 4-7. Other speakers include frequent Dreamland guests Greg & Lora Little.

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Join Dreamland guest host William Henry for an unforgettable weekend in Nashville, Tennessee on October 5-7, 2007 as he presents his all new lecture and slide show on Stargate Metaphysics, revealing the secrets of enlightenment, the keys to the Light Body, Cosmic Freedom and Stargates. These events have sold out in the past, so make your reservation now. For more informationclick here.

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On Tuesday, August 21 at 8 pm, you can listen to one of the first interviews about Whitley’s new novel 2012:The War for Souls, which will be published in the fall of 2007. It has been sold to the same Warner Brothers team that made the “Transformers” movie. To listen, click here.

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