In his recent journal, Whitley Strieber discussed the manywarnings that have come from supposed alien communicationsand, more recently, from the ‘reading’ of crop circles byexperts. To read the journal,click here. It is now the afternoon of Sunday, August 19, and so farnothing has happened that suggests that the warnings areactual messages, but rather that they are misinterpretationsof the formations. If an unanticipated event should take place today or in the next few days, it would be support for thevalidity of the interpretations. However, Whitley’s third crop circlemeditation, which will be posted on Monday, provides a muchmore likely approach to the phenomenon: that, no matter theidentity or purposes of the circle makers, we can still learnvaluable lessons from them.
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In his dynamic new journal Whitley writes about a basic strategic plan that we should undertake NOW in order to protect ourselves, one that we SHOULD HAVE DONE long ago.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Most of us are searching for ways to remember but some people want to find a way to forget. Painful, emotional memories that people would most like to forget may be the toughest to leave behind, especially when memories are created through visual cues–things you SEE.
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We have too much corn, all of it subsidized by our tax dollars, which pay not only to grow it but to store it. This is why you’re hearing so much about ethanol (which is made from corn) lately. The government is desperate to find a way to get rid of some of this, and one way it does this is by selling it at low prices it to poor countries, especially in Africa. But critics of this seemingly charitable act say that these imports actually lead to disease and even starvation.
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