Growing food entails the use of fertilizer and irrigation systems and results in land clearing. These “side effects” of agriculture can lead to “tipping points” which include desertification, salinization, water degradation, and changes in climate due to altered water flow. The UN reports that 50 million people could be driven from their homes within the next 10 years by encroaching deserts, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia.
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There is exciting news in archeology lately, including a prehistoric city that has been discovered underneath the English Channel and 8-million-year-old tree trunks that have been found in a Hungarian coal mine.
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There are lots of good reasons to use your hands, and kids with a certain finger length do better on tests. Now there’s ANOTHER reason that hands are important for learning. Ever forget where you parked the car? It’s a trick that works for adults too.
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Recent extreme weather includes a tornado that hit Brooklyn. Sometimes it seems that storms are worse over cities?especially on the weekends?and scientists say this is TRUE. In fact, climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions produced by humans been changing global rainfall patterns over the entire 20th Century.
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