Should we try to keep out immigrants by building a long fence on our border with Mexico? The Mexican government warns that the fence may harm wildlife.
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Physicists say that the newly extended baseball season, where teams play a total of 162 games, gives weaker teams an advantage. Meanwhile, psychologists are trying to figure out how successful hitters keep their eye on the ball.

In, Andrea Thompson writes that while the top teams usually win the most games, weaker teams might come out ahead in the new, extended season. When physicists Eli Ben-Naim and Nick W. Hengartner ran game simulations through their computer at Los Alamos to test for ?statistical randomness,? they found that a weak team needs to play 256 more games to overcome their weaker player lineup.
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Experts warn that food and water shortages caused by global warming could lead to future wars, and may be causing one of the wars that this going on RIGHT NOW. Past history makes it even more likely that this will happen. This is why the United Nations has become concerned about climate change.

In, Andrea Thompson reports that researchers who studied nearly 900 wars fought in China in the last two thousand years (and Chinese history goes back a long time) found “a correlation between the frequency of warfare and records of temperature changes.”
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As predicted, at almost 8,000 square miles, this year’s dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is one of the biggest in history. The area off the Louisiana and Texas this year is the third-largest ever mapped.

A “dead zone” is caused by nitrogen runoff from fertilizer, which leads to a huge algae bloom. The algae sucks up all the available oxygen, leaving none for the fish. Crabs, eels and other sea creatures are being forced to swim on the surface in order to breathe.

According to CNN, “the dead zone was larger in 2002 and 2001, when it covered 8,500 and 8,006 square miles respectively, and was almost as big in 1999.”

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