First, a computer intended to be placed aboard Shuttle Endeavor for its upcoming mission was found to have been sabotaged. Now, it seems that the shuttle has sprung a leak, and the mission, which is scheduled for August 7, may have to be delayed. But the larger question is, was the leak another act of sabotage, and if so, who wants this mission to fail, and why?

CNN reports that NASA discovered the leak over the weekend and tightened a bolt to fix it, but further testing shows that air is still escaping from the crew cabin. One of the astronauts on board will be ex-school teacher Barbara Morgan, who was Christa McAuliffe’s backup in 1986. McAuliffe was one of the seven astronauts killed along when the Challenger broke up 73 seconds after takeoff.
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In Anne’s new diary, she writes about the mystery of mortality and says, “One of the troublesome things about going on a trip is the huge stack of mail that confronts you upon your return. Some of these are bills, some of it is junk mail, but part of this stack?for me, anyway?is a delightful cache of new magazines to read. As soon as I get unpacked and do the laundry, I make myself a cup of tea, get settled in my favorite chair, put my feet up and READ. And in the July 28 issue of the New Yorker, I read an article about something pretty amazing that also?in a small way?happened to me.”

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The recent food scares from China turned out to be all about lax laws and corporate greed, but now that our food supply is international, it’s vulnerable to terrorism. And Al Qaeda has just delivered another internet threat to the West.
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On his beautiful NEW website, William Henry writes: “I’ve had many ‘Coast’ interviews with Art Bell and with George Noory. Now, I’m excited to have the opportunity to talk with Ian Punnett. Tune in Saturday, August 4. We’ll be talking about my recent trip to the particle accelerator at CERN and my Light Body research.” Also, he’s planning a new weekend in Nashville on October 5-7, but THIS time he’ll present a lecture and slide show on Stargate Metaphysics?Secrets of Enlightenment, about what he describes as “the keys to light body, stargates and cosmic freedom.” We will soon be interviewing William about his NEW DVD “The Light Body Effect!”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more