We recently did a Dreamland show about weather wars. Now Chinese farmers are shooting bullets at the sky in order to try to end a drought.

In the Asia Times, Pallavi Aiyar writes that Chinese farmers have given up on prayer and are trying a new technique to bring rain: they are firing rocket launchers and anti-aircraft guns at clouds. They aren?t firing bullets, they are firing silver-iodide pellets which they hope will seed the clouds by attracting enough moisture to bring on rain.

The Chinese s;pend between $60 and $90 million a year on weather modification. Aiyar quotes Chinese official Wang Guanghe as saying, “Ours is the largest artificial weather program in the world in terms of equipment, size and budget.”

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Whitley Strieber will post his second crop circle meditation this Saturday for Unknowncountry.com subscribers, and he will be present for a live chat from 10 to 11am Pacific Time in the subscriber chat room.

As was reported on Unknowncountry.com this week, there was a stunning UFO event over Stratford in the UK on July 25, which involved a formation of UFOs that maneuvered into the triangular formation pictured here. The objects were seen by hundreds of people, and the claim that they are merely lanterns or hot air balloons is refuted by witness testimony and their observed movement on video.
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Cattle in this country are fed corn, which upsets their stomachs, so they are given antibiotics, which end up in the beef we eat. Fertilizer made from the manure from these cattle?and other food animals treated with antibiotics?may also put antibiotics into the vegetables we eat. The danger in all this is that it could lead to antibiotic-resistant superbugs.

The USDA has been evaluating the impact of antibiotic feeding in livestock production on the environment, trying to figure out whether food crops accumulate antibiotics from soils spread with manure that contains antibiotics. The irony is that it’s organic farming that relies most heavily on manure fertilizer. In fact, it’s mandated if vegetables are labeled “organic.”
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Strange lights have been observed by scientists in Norway for 30 years?and no, they are not UFOs. One of the most puzzling things about them is that they seem to be responsive to observers on the ground. Now researcher think they are balls of energy?they just don’t know what KIND of energy.

In the Norway Post, Rolleiv Solholm reports that the so-called Hessdalen lights have been seen ever since for almost 70 years. Hundreds of these lights have shown up at times and sightings have been monitored by volunteers for almost 20 years. Sometimes there have been as many as 20 sightings a week, all in this tiny valley in the heart of Norway.
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