Strange lights have been observed by scientists in Norway for 30 years?and no, they are not UFOs. One of the most puzzling things about them is that they seem to be responsive to observers on the ground. Now researcher think they are balls of energy?they just don’t know what KIND of energy.

In the Norway Post, Rolleiv Solholm reports that the so-called Hessdalen lights have been seen ever since for almost 70 years. Hundreds of these lights have shown up at times and sightings have been monitored by volunteers for almost 20 years. Sometimes there have been as many as 20 sightings a week, all in this tiny valley in the heart of Norway.
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We only have one or two of most items left: have you got YOUR bargain yet? Ourmusic store is completely SOLD OUT and our UFO category is going fast too. We’ve slashed prices to clear our shelves for some exciting new DVDs, so if you want to get some of these extraordinary bargains, you need to act fast. And remember, subscribers, save an ADDITIONAL 10%! Keep reading for details.

UFOs and aliens?you’ll always hear truth the about them here, because we listen to the experiences of ordinary people?like yourself!

On Dreamland, one of our favorite topics is edge science?and we go all the way to the edge! We’ve interviewed psychics on our radio show and even had them in our subscriber chat room.
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First, the drones and the Caret information appeared. Thedrones have been confirmed as real by half a dozeneyewitness interviews and photos from around the US. Thenthere was the spectacular “Gateway” crop circle at WestKennett Longbarrow, then the massive formation in the famous East Field near Alton Barnes, that was created in a matter of seconds and has been the subject of highly unusualmilitary activity, and now there has been an extraordinary UFOoverflight above the English town of Stratford on July 25 thatwas videotaped and observed by at least a hundred witnesses, and may be a direct signal to us.

Witnesses observed glowing lights that manuevered into atriangular formation, as shown in the image accompanyingthis story.
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Anne Strieber writes in her new diary about a trip to the California wine country to hunt for drones, visit with old friends?and about a wonderful connection with a stranger. A lot can happen when you wear a pink hat!

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